

You are not required to do anything specific with your models; dj-hitcount relies on a GenericForeignKey to create the relationship to your model’s HitCount.

If you would like to add a reverse lookup in your own model to its related HitCount you can utilize the hitcount.mixins.HitCountModelMixin.

from django.db import models

from hitcount.mixins import HitCountModelMixin
from hitcount.conf import settings as hitcount_settings

# here is an example model with a GenericRelation
class MyModel(models.Model, HitCountMixin):

  # adding a generic relationship makes sorting by Hits possible:
  # MyModel.objects.order_by("hit_count_generic__hits")
  hit_count_generic = GenericRelation(

# you would access your hit_count like so:
my_model = MyModel.objects.get(pk=1)
my_model.hit_count.hits                 # total number of hits
my_model.hit_count.hits_in_last(days=7) # number of hits in last seven days


dj-hitcount allows you to customize HitCount model.

  1. Define your own hitcount model inherited from HitCountBase.

  2. Now when in your application has the definition of a custom hitcount model, you need to instruct Django to use it for your project instead of a built-in one:

    # Somewhere in your do the following.
    # Here `myapp` is the name of your application, `MyHitCount` is the names of your customized model.
    HITCOUNT_HITCOUNT_MODEL = 'myapp.MyHitCount'
  3. Run migrate to install your customized models into DB.